Hello. My name is Keya. I’m an INFJ and Enneagram 1w9, which is to say, with the barest of grasps of either personality assessment tool, that I am fated to relentlessly seek to improve, to live a life that I deem beautiful, to have a *purpose,* and to share that purpose. When I love things, I love them 110% and I want to SHARE THEM ALL. I hope you’ll hang out with me in my little corner of the internet. I hope to inspire you. To be as much of a friend as someone that you never meet and only see on the internet can ever be. I hope if you spend even a moment on this site, that what you take with you is a relentless can-do attitude that you apply to your whole entire life. I hope you come back and visit again - I’d very much like to be your (internet) friend.