turkey print apron

Processed with VSCOcam with s3 preset

Okay, what is cuter for Thanksgiving than a turkey apron?  And while we were tempted to put a totally tacky giant turkey on ours, when we came up with this geometric pattern, we loved that it was both playful and (slightly) subtle.  Perfect for you or as a gift for your Thanksgiving host.Ingredients:basic apronpotatostencilacrylic (or other non-water soluble paint)To make stamp:Make or buy your stencil.  Then slice your potato in half or in the widest section.  Place your stencil on potato half (place your stencil opposite of how you want it to appear, think mirror image).  Trace around your stencil and then begin to carve out around your shape.  (We used stamp carving tools, which made it much easier!)  In the end, you want the image to be raised from the rest of the potato.To make apron:Lay out your apron over a sheet or drop cloth (the paint bleeds through) and starting from the top, cover stamp in paint and begin stamping!  We chose to stamp ours in straight lines, but a random pattern would be cute too!Tip:If you want to add details like we did on our turkey's tail, scoop out excess paint from inside the grooves of the stamp before stamping (the end of a thin paintbrush works well to do this).




Processed with VSCOcam with s1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with c3 preset


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