An Office Refresh

We all have the spaces, particularly in new homes, that end up magically collecting every single item you can’t fathom what to do with. A collection of vintage cameras passed down to you. A trampoline you have every intention of using….someday. And those boxes that you just haven’t gotten around to unpacking yet.

For us, this was our second bedroom/office. We managed to, admirably in my opinion, unpack and set up our new apartment in record time. And then, as if all of the energy we possessed was drained from us, our office, the last space to organize, was left untouched. For perhaps two months. In a state, that for me, as a rather obsessively tidy person was chaos.

Such is life. Such is the process of moving. It was fine. At least it was “organized chaos” (isn’t that what we all say?).

Our energy sources would recharge. We would be able to think of creative storage solutions again.

Which brings me to this month. The month that we finally tackled the office. And boy does it feel good.


We started by going through everything and purging, once again. No matter how much you do before, this is always where it starts.

Then it’s a matter of deciding which spaces you need to create. We needed a desk for each of us, a craft storage solution for me, a place for Erik to keep and easily access his music equipment, and … a home for the aforementioned trampoline. We needed curtains, I needed a desk and we needed to buy a light fixture because this is yet another of those inane apartments that just doesn’t come with any lighting. This is something that I’ll never understand.

I scoured Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist for the desk and light and eventually found both. A great act of fortitude. And after much deliberation, I ordered two IKEA Ringblomma Roman blinds (which have worked out great so far).

Then there is the matter of installing everything and executing the desk flip I’d envisioned. This typically takes about two weeks of ramp-up time for me. Please tell me I’m not alone in this.

Overall, I’m thrilled with the space and the fact that it is now intentional and clutter-free. I have future visions for both of the closets, upgrading Erik’s desk situation, and maybe creating a workout zone, but that’s for later.

If you want to see a detailed view of the space, you can check it out here:

Do you have a similar space in your home that you’ve been meaning to tackle? If so, I hope you do! It’s all a matter of just starting (and you know, the two-week period of ramp-up time).

as ever,



Making a Built-In Art Closet


DIY Cane Desk Flip