Our New Apartment


We’ve been living in our new apartment for just about three months now. It feels like home and I *think* I just unpacked the last of our boxes. Settling into a new space takes a while, don’t you think? Likely, when you choose the place, you have an idea of where you’ll put the bed and the couch and so on, but beyond that, there are a few months of finessing that those of us with un-resolved perfectionism must perform. I admit I’m still in this phase. This apartment is just a little weird to me. No matter how I adjust things, they just don’t seem to fit right yet. But we’re getting there.


The specific reason that I chose this apartment was not that I loved it because I do not, but because it had potential. There’s likely something there that a therapist would love to look into, but once again, I do not. The other reason I chose this apartment was for SPACE. The literal amount of space. Square feet to spread out in. closets to devote entirely to crafts. I’m hoping that I can add the charm that is so sorely lacking.

And, dear reader, if you are reading this and thinking to yourself - “well now, you surely must have something better to do with your time than to obsess about decorations in a rental apartment,” I can assure you that I do not and that this is NOT THE BLOG FOR YOU.

Do I only have my aesthetically obsessive viewers left with me? Okay good. Because here’s what I’m thinking. I want to try it all! All of the “renter friendly” Pinterest and blog ideas out there. I want to see if I can add enough charm to this basic-B condo from the 80’s that you’ll look at the pictures and think - is that an English Cottage?

Here are the top things that I want to try:

  • peel and stick floors

  • faux beadboard

  • that painter’s tape wallpaper hack

  • and something to cover the God-awful mirrored closet doors that isn’t curtains because I’ve already done that

What am I missing?


I don’t want to go overboard, but I do want to make a space that speaks to my personality and brings me joy. I say me because even though I live with my partner, these updates are all for me - he appreciates them but also doesn't really care because he’s, you know, normal and sane.


Doing DIY’s in a rental is definitely a “for you” or “not for you” situation and that’s 100% okay. They are for me. And I also believe that there is a fine line in not going overboard. A lot of DIY’s I’ve done in the past have been furniture-related, so I’ve been able to take them with me, or a functional improvement that has made our experience of living in our space significantly better. And I’ve certainly learned from all of them, both in terms of skills gained and a stronger clarity about what I like.

Do you want to see a full before and “currently” tour of the space? I’m linking the video here.

And I’d love to know - what do you think about DIYs in rentals? Have you tried any rental DIYs that turned out great? Or that you regretted?

as ever,

Keya (and Pickles)


DIY Cane Desk Flip


My Top Digital Declutter To-Do’s: